Recruiting for my guild

I inherited a relatively inactive pit guild, so I'd like to recruit for it and try to succeed. Level 50+ preferred, but it's open for now.
Ally code 116 332 625


  • Brad6a
    209 posts Member
    Hey bud how many actives do you have? Would you concider merging into my guild? We just stripped the dead wood and merged with another small guild. Things are going great all active members (except 3) giving them a chance to come back to game. Range of players with some heavy hitters. Averaging 12-14k tickets a day. Running naat and Rancor tier 5. Let me know bud. Thanks and Good Luck!

    Player ID- 787-785-317
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    I'm interested. I'm going to try my hand at leadership for a bit first.
    Here's me, the arena team is a decoy because I am seeing if I can drop some rank to get exposed to lower level players to recruit them. My A team are 6 and 7*.
  • Brad6a
    209 posts Member
    Level isnt a requirement bud just activity. But the places are gling fast bro just so you know. Will probably be full 2 days max. 1 if i spend some time on the forums. Good Luck whatever you decide bud!
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    Brad6a wrote: »
    Hey bud how many actives do you have? Would you concider merging into my guild? We just stripped the dead wood and merged with another small guild. Things are going great all active members (except 3) giving them a chance to come back to game. Range of players with some heavy hitters. Averaging 12-14k tickets a day. Running naat and Rancor tier 5. Let me know bud. Thanks and Good Luck!

    Player ID- 787-785-317

    I have 5 from our current guild that will be disbanded soon if there is space. level 70-82 looking for something like this, all active daily users
  • Brad6a
    209 posts Member
    Sending you an ally invite now bud. Be glad to have ya on board
  • Brad6a
    209 posts Member
    Oh nice going for that Phoenix team! Drop guild bro and ill invite ya
  • OozingBlister
    84 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Post edited by OozingBlister on
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    Brad6a wrote: »
    Oh nice going for that Phoenix team! Drop guild bro and ill invite ya

    Thanks! I started farming them up because I was getting bored with the plateau my previous A Team seemed to be at. Their synergy is great and they are stronger than my old A Team now despite needing stars.
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