Looking for a relaxed guild

Ally code: 913-426-759

I'm level 85 with around 30 7* toons and around 10 gear 10 characters. Getting 600 daily is easy, I'm looking for a chill guild that does heroic rancor and naat with start times in the US time zones.



  • Oberon
    176 posts Member
    Balance is what you're looking for! I sent an ally request.
  • Options
    Sent ally request as well. We have a guild that just split off from dead leadership. Plan is to do heroic pit and naat on a regular basis..... no real rules other then be active.
  • Options
    What time zone? Sounds **** but is a bit of big deal as I can't raid too much while I'm at work.
  • Tizzy
    15 posts Member
    My guild starts haat at 8 pm est if interested. Lots of friendly who communicate on discord send me a message if interested
  • Davius7
    308 posts Member
    Hello, Str8pmp! My guild, Wolf Pack Warriors, has a couple spaces available for active, friendly, fun, and talkative players. We routinely run 7* Pit Raids (almost 3x per week ) and normal AAT raids. We're growing in power quickly and have set our sights on heroic AAT. We're not ready yet, but you can help us become so!

    Our members range in level from the 60's to 85, and our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps. All time zones and ages are welcome--we have members from the teens to low 50's in age, and while most of them are North American, we also have some from Europe.

    If you're interested, send me a PM or reply to this post. We'll toss an invite your way!
  • Icjdd
    78 posts Member
    Måndåloriån Syndicåte Looking for strong loyal members!
    We currently have spots open at the moment! Minimum requirements: 600 Daily an at least 20+ 7 star gear 10 toons! Guild reset timer is 1:30pm EST due to DST, normally it would be 12:30pm, Heroic Rancor raid starts ZERO DMG posting at 10am EST for 24 hours then the raid is FREE FOR ALL, Heroic AAT raid starts at 11am EST with ONE attack per phase(1-3) until 4th phase, then at 6pm EST 4th phase becomes FREE FOR ALL, Majority of the guild already has 7* GENERAL KENOBI and 7* HAN SOLO. Contact me on Discord at savageicjdd#1797
  • AlphaJew
    11 posts Member
    Are you still looking for a guild, we do our raids at 9pm est. currently on heroic pit and normal aat
  • catharsis
    148 posts Member
    Hey we have a guild just fits to your expectations. You we be more than welcomed if you join.
    Line ID: catharsis-leader
    You can aslo pm me from here
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