Fan Favorite? Y'all are thinking TOO SMALL

275 posts Member
Wicket? Thrawn? Jedi Luke?

Gimme a break.

I think everyone has forgotten how much LARGER the Star Wars universe has become now that Disney owns the franchise. I hacked into the dev workstations and have INSIDE INTEL on several of the next toons EA will be releasing.

Here goes:

Darth Goofy! You thought Nihilus was OP? Wait'll you get a peek at Darth Goofy in action!


Pimp Daddy Chewbacca! He brings all the rad moves to the battlefield!


Miley Ray Padme! Also from Disney's dancing lineup, she comes complete with her sidekick Afro-D2!


Parade Float Rebel Pilot! Synergies with W.iggs... and Jedi Mickey... who won't be released until after Farm Boy Mickey.


...and finally...

JUST in time for summer!

Disney on Ice Luke! He'll skate right into your hearts and make you forget all about wanting some crappy ROTJ Luke. Gains *significant* combat advantages when fighting on Hoth!



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