KøR SWAG (40/50 Members Near HAAT)

KøR SWAG (Star Wars Alpha Guild) is a strong group of guys that have been together a long time, everyone has put in hard work and has no intention of leaving anytime soon. One of the newest guilds in the KøR alliance, soon to be the 17th HAAT guild, tons of information available in KøR strategy rooms to those interested.

After a near completion attempt on the HAAT, we have removed ten members that did not participate and need at least a group of 5 members who can put up Heroic numbers or close to it. 600 Raid Tickets everyday is encouraged but not required, no third party chat apps like Line or Discord required, however the guild leader does have Line if you wish to have better communication.

NAAT is a FFA but HAAT is coordinated.
Looking for players with strong P2 teams, Zinn, Zody, Zader and Droid teams are a bonus. 15 of our members put up 900k or more at our last attempt two weeks ago and since then have been improving our rosters everyday.

All raids start at 9PM EST
Heroic Pit is required to do 250k or less damage, the closest attacker to exactly 250k is allowed to FFA the rest of the Pit at 11:30PM EST, if they run out of toons it goes to the person in 2nd, then 3rd and etc.

Please feel free to respond to this post or contact DarthBills on Line to get in touch with the leader
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