Talia now heals when every member of party's health is still green

I'm not saying they are at 100% [that would be a huge bug], just that they are green.
No healer in the game does that AFAICT, they all wait until someone is yellow (and usually REALLY yellow). I'd prefer if she just healed like everyone else. Either that or script healing AI differently for each healer, not have them all work one way and Talia work another.

Obviously the two key decision points in any healing algorithm would be:
1) Can every member of the party receive the maximum HP benefit without any loss? If yes, then heal. This one is not tricky, it's simple math.
2) Is a party member "in danger?" If yes, heal regardless of the other party members' HP totals. This is the tricky one.

My point being that Talia appears to be failing on #1, the non-tricky one. Emphasis on appears, but I really don't think that everyone was down
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