Join our Heroic Pit Raid - Get access to UBER Guild!

25 posts Member
Our guild name: OutcastSithLords
My line chat: reseac

Here's the lay of the land - We're currently completing a Heroic Pit Raid 3 times a week, or more if our tickets allow it. I think we are getting close to also doing a Heroic Tank but need 6 additional people after several people transferred to our sister guild. We actually have several other guilds connected to ours, so if you are looking for a merger, we may be able to accommodate you. We have a promotion where if you can do 2% damage they may take you to our top guild which is currently doing both HEroic raids.


1) Generate 500 tickets daily (We don't balk if you generate 600)
2) 24 raid rule - We don't hit the raid in the first 24 hours to allow all of our members to get a piece of the action.
3) Have fun!


  • Reseac
    25 posts Member
    We're filling up but I still have a couple spots left. And we have cookies.
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