Marianas Trench Guild Recruiting

Marianas Trench is looking for 3-5 players that are HAAT ready (or close to it) to join our guild. We expect to be completing HAAT by the end of June and we're just waiting for some folks to gear a few additional toons. We raid Heroic PIT 3 times a week, NAAT/HAAT will likely be twice a week and occasionally we'll have an extra raid. We have some varied start times, use LINE and in-game chat for communications (LINE preferred).

No rules about currency generations, donations etc. Folks do their dailies and are basically online every 12-16 hours for the most part. No worries if you need to step away for a few days. We'll hold your spot as long as you let us know.

PM me if interested or connect on LINE (LINE ID: alpine_canuck)

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