Looking for a heroic guild

Hey guys, I've been in one single guild since starting the game over a year ago, but now I think I'm ready to go for some heroic raids as I can finally put some good damage on the Rancor.

The guild I'm in now still only has approximately 8 level 85s, so I was wondering if any guild of near 50 people is looking for another active member, that regularly does heroic raids, so I could start farming Han Solo and even General Kenobi,

Thanks, please do check out my account on https://swgoh.gg/u/moose50/

Thanks, hopefully I'll see you in your guild soon :)


  • Belfazar
    586 posts Member
    We cant haat yet, but heroic pit is a Sprint after 24hrs of 0 damage. Mesage me line app (Belfazar) if interested. 49/50 members.
  • Options
    I can offer a small step up if you wanted to be high up in the guild.

    We have just started out a new guild. We oringally had one but the guild wasn't progressing at the same speed. Myself and another ally joined a different guild and worked up to be able to complete heroic Rancor by ourselves! So we have now started a new guild that we will be able to complete heroic pit and when numbers increase we go for HAAT

    If you fancy it and want to be a officer add my ally code
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