We need some fresh blood

372 posts Member
edited June 2017
Entrocrests is recruiting level 80+ players who play every day
We are relaxed but serious with our strategy. It's all about helping each other get stronger to help the guild get stronger

The Guild rule is that you must spend energy every single day to earn raid tickets (Unless you notify you'll be away), if you have zero after 24hrs, we kick

We raid at 9pm est when we have the tickets.
We run the 24 hour rancor rule, so everyone gets a reward. If you violate and attack you're banned from the next raid. If you do it again back to back, you're kicked.

Always looking to promote, must contribute daily.
Post edited by ArdenPulsar on


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    Hey man i have an offer. Me and two others in my guild are top of the bunch with a bunch of lower level players below us. I am the leader so i've been trying to stick with it but the lack of activity and high level players is lacking. We are all level 85 and have our top 5 rows pretty much all 7 star. We are all looking for a higher guild so we can actually get some better gear and possibly Han. My code is 669-417-333, the other two are 751-278-778, and 739-111-164. All of us are very active players and will contribute as much as possible. We are also a package deal so three spots is ideal. Thanks and please let me know if you're interested
  • ArdenPulsar
    372 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Just invited you, we're all pretty much top players. Just looking for other good players who contribute daily.
    Post edited by ArdenPulsar on
  • ArdenPulsar
    372 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Just sent you all Ally invites, noticed you're all still in the same guild. Arden Pulsar is my character name
    Yeah our problem is we can't find people who play daily so we have to kick. Although we haven't kicked in about a week, we've got some really good players now. Just need a few more to start running haat
    Post edited by ArdenPulsar on
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    G3TS1D3WAYS had accepted my Ally invite
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    Still waiting on your other two guys
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    Hey Arden, how many more people are you looking for?
  • ArdenPulsar
    372 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    13, we've been rebuilding since we implemented the daily contribution rule. Had to kick about 12. Anybody you guy send them our way. We have a lot of strong guys but we need more
    Post edited by ArdenPulsar on
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    Still need 10 more daily players
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    Need 8 more players
  • Redlen_Tildarl
    15 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    <comment removed>

    I joined another guild
    Post edited by Redlen_Tildarl on
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    Cool, we still need about 8 more daily players
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    Hey I'm Dream,

    Level 85, play almost every single day. Run Sith in arena and am consistently top 200 with some days reaching into the top 100. I am working towards leveling characters to help for HAAT including zKylo.

    I've been very disillusioned with my guild as of late and I'm really wanting to hop to a guild who will enforce raid rules.

    Ally code is 566 638 535
    Also have line app and discord on my PC (am away from PC quite frequently though)
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    Ally code: 894-845-218
    Level 85, play everyday, 600 raid tickets easily
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    Dream and barakna, I just sent you both ally invites. Leave your guilds and I'll invite you to ours.
    We enforce rules, no arguing at all, we all get along great and have fun.
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    Sorry, Arden, joined a different guild, thank you for the invite though
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    All good man, we're still here if you want to join later.
  • Nine
    1 posts Member
    Ally Code:166-623-974

    Play daily, Level 84, your raid tickets policy isn't a problem
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    Sweet, just sent you an invite nine
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    Cool as long as you know the guild ticket rule you'll be cool. Just contribute something, doesn't necessarily have to be 600
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    Are you still looking for players I am level 83 have 17 toons at 7* and I play everyday. I am still in a guild I will leave the guild if you would
    Want me as a member your rules are 24 hrs no dmg rancor do daily activities and get asome many tickets as you can but ok if
    You don't reach 600 my ally code is 141 889 688
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    Yup those are our rules. Just sent you an ally invite
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    Are you mega disaster?
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    Still have open spots?
  • Bailey
    30 posts Member
    I am level 82 and in a guild thats lost its top players so i'm looking to move to one on the up, this sounds a great guild and my code is 773-434-823 if you are still looking, i always hit 600 easy, donate as much as possible and trying to improve fast
  • ArdenPulsar
    372 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Yes we do Snapple. 10 left
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    I just sent you an ally invite Bailey.
    9 left if Bailey joins
  • Bailey
    30 posts Member
    Awesome accepted ally request and left old guild :)
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    I just invited you to the guild
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    We're still recruiting more daily players
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