Speedcalculation Bug?

231 posts Member
So I remodded my Nihilus today and this is what happened:


20 (Speedset) 30 (Speedset)
14 (Speedset) 14 (Healthset)
11 (Speedset) 12 (Defenseset)

that makes +101 without Setbonus right?

Setbonus = 10% of Nihilus basic speed = 120/10 = 12

That makes 101+12 = 113 Speed through Mods so my Nihilus should have 233 Speed but he only has 232

can someone explain that to me?


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    If there is any speed in you current (open) gear set, that speed is not added to the base yet and is not used in mod calculations.

    Only speed from a closed gear set (after you hit upgrade button) is added to the base used in mod calculations.
  • BzmR94
    231 posts Member
    @Kyno thanks thats what i also thought about
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