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275 posts Member
edited May 2017
EST timezone
Heroic Ranc 3x a week, 3 squads so 2 basic payouts and 1 top 15. 12 hour rule (8am-8pm), everyone gets a reward for every rancor raid. Raid goes live at 8pm, we do one at a time to make it fair. Takes a few hours.

aat normal atm, ran a haat attempt but fell short. Will try again soon. Normal att runs twice a week, ussually done in 8-10 hours


have a 7* group
want to build a team for haat (we have zylo's, zaders and more finishing team comps off)
do your 600
don't be a ****
have fun
join our website (haat build team info/progress/ranc squad summary)

that's it that's all. Some have been in the guild for 6 months, a couple longer. We're helpful and big in gear exchange (2 members over 2000 donations). We fight together, so we help each other.

let me know. pm me here.

Edit. Full thx for the interest
Post edited by baked_qft on
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