ImaDrunKi guild looking for active players -- Heroic Rancor and normal AAT.

112 posts Member
edited June 2017
We are a laid back and very active guild that is growing stronger every day to get ready for heroic raids. We are now farming heroic Rancor and normal AAT. We are accepting any level player that is willing to grow with us.

We have a 24 hour, 0 damage cooldown period for Heroic Rancor.

You must be able to access and read in-game chat and on Discord.

Must stay active in every aspects of the game. We ask all players to try their best to get 600 tickets a day, but no penalty if that does not happen. We do understand that players do have lives outside of the game. Majority of our members are 78+ and growing stronger everyday. We have 47 members atm.

Guild removal after 6 days of inactivity.

We are working on building our squads for hAAT raid.

ALT accounts welcome as long as they produce 600 tiks/day.

Contact me if interested via PM or discord.

Discord id: Xenoc#6187
Post edited by Xenoc on


  • Xenoc
    112 posts Member
    We are looking for 3 active players to fill up our roster. Very active and friendly guild.
  • Xenoc
    112 posts Member
    Looking for 4 active players. All levels welcome, as long as you produce tickets and always progressing your teams.
  • Xenoc
    112 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    We are looking for 5 active players to fill our roster. We had to let a player go due to inactivity.

    We are a very active, friendly and helpful guild.

    Send PM on here or on discord if interested.

    Discord id: Xenoc#6187
    Post edited by Xenoc on
  • Xenoc
    112 posts Member
    We have spots for 4 active players to fill out our roster.

    Send PM on here or on discord if interested.

    Discord id: Xenoc#6187
  • Xenoc
    112 posts Member
    We still have 4 spots to fill out the remaining of our roster.

    Send PM on here or on discord if interested.

    Discord id: Xenoc#6187
  • Xenoc
    112 posts Member
    We have 3 spots left. Looking to fill the rest of our roster. Any levels welcome as long as they stay active and always progressing their squads. Alt accounts welcome also.

    Send PM on here or on discord if interested.

    Discord id: Xenoc#6187
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