Kamino Acids Recruiting

1 posts Member
edited June 2017
If you have the interest in being part of the building blocks of life...errr....a new guild, then Kamino Acids may be the place for you.

Quick info:

Raids - Heroic Rancor and T6 AAT. We are hoping to start clearing Heroic AAT by the end of the month (June)
Timezone - Eastern Standard Time
Rules - 24 hour (less than 200K damage) hold on Heroic Rancor then a free-for-all. 72 hours of inactivity is an automatic kick without any information as to why you are inactive.
3rd-part app - Discord; contact me at Sky#3972

The current guild members are made up of members of my old guild that was slowly dying to poor leadership. My hope here is to recruit fresh, competent members to fill the remaining ranks that are able to put up 600 tickets a day.

We also have experienced players that are more than willing to help new, active players rise through the ranks. Please contact me on Discord or here (preferably Discord) if you are interested or have any additional questions.

- Jimmie Rustlers


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