Come Join the Raiders of ARK! (HAAT Guild)

We're looking for a few fellow gamers to join us! The Raiders of ARK is a member guild of the Alliance of Rebel Knights family, and we are running Heroic Rancor and AAT raids. This a wonderful opportunity to join a group of fun, addicted Star Wars lovers and receive quality mentoring from some of the top players in the game.

To feed our raiding habit, we are looking for players who will contribute 600 tix a day, and have enough 7* level 70+ characters to participate in the raids. Our main requirements are that players are active, on Discord, and are respectful to one another. Participating in chat is a plus. English speaking is a must.

Discord is our home for raid rules, mentoring, and all around shenanigans. We require players to join Discord as this is where the magic happens.

Our guild is primarily EST-based, but we have players from all over the world and rotate raid start times in order to accommodate players in different time zones.

If interested, DM me here or on Discord - DarkChaplain#3534


And the rest of the ARK family:


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