Looking for HAAT ready players. Only a few spots left available.

12 posts Member
edited June 2017
Then join High Counselors. We are an extremely active, motivated guild. We need a few players like you to take us over the top. It's open right now so come join us. We are a super laid back guild that helps each other become stronger. If you would like to be apart of the galaxies coolest guild then either PM me or just come join.

Post edited by Baron_1 on


  • Baron_1
    12 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Maybe I should include a little more about us.

    Pit raid. We easily clear t7. Most of us have Han maxed. So we imply a 24 HR no damage policy. This allows everyone to have a chance to at least get into the raid. Then those that still need Han shards can run a team. There are several of us that can solo T 7 but we want to be fair for everyone and help each other grow.

    AAT raid. Last one lasted all of 3 hours. We are so close to Hard AAT it isn't even funny we just need a few additional members that can contribute and take us over the top.

    We use discord to communicate. Most of us are f2p, a few dolphins and 1 or 2 whales depending on the toon. We probably spend way too much time playing this game every day. But it's fun. We are just a good group of guys that needs you to join.

    Looking for members to contribute. If you can get close to 600 daily that's great. We have no stipulations that you have to though. Help complete daily challenges. Have just a few 7* characters we will help you become stronger. Have several with teams that are HAAT ready. That's great too.

    My ally code is 947-152-916.

    Thanks for looking.
    Post edited by Baron_1 on
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    Hey baron. I'm looking for a new more active guild and High Counselors looks just right.

    I have 12 7* characters only 2 at gear 9. Seem to have hit a wall on my gear and could use some help. I should be level 83 today. I'm f2p and very active. I've only missed a couple days of playing in 6 months.

    I sent you an ally invite. Lemme know what you think. Thanks

    Ally code is 831-713-752
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    Thanks for adding me! Looks like a great guild. Thanks
  • Fet
    2 posts Member
    Hello baron im a new fairly new player but I'm loving the game and I normally can contribute the 600daily i just nedd A place to grow MY ally y code is 826291877
  • Fet
    2 posts Member
    Sorry it's 826-291-788
  • d3str0
    1 posts Member
    For anyone looking for a solid guild full of dependable players, High Counselors is it. Most of the core group has been together since guilds first formed last year, and we do a great job of helping each other out and trying to help our less experienced members grow. As Baron said, we're this close to beating the HAAT. We're just looking for some strong, dedicated players to grow with us and help put us all up over the top.
  • Baron_1
    12 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Send me an ally invite and I will add you.
    Post edited by Baron_1 on
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    Still a few open spots left. PM me or send ally invite to 947-152-916. Or on discord Baron Samedi #1200
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