Looking for a guild.. HAAT please...

58 posts Member
edited June 2017
I started playing since day one.. got over 60 maxed characters, top 50 rank Usually in my shard, always top 100 though... daily player and donator..

qui gon, vader, barris offee, r2d2, kylo, yoda - zeta'd

Send invites to.. 425.428.872



  • Kitch
    171 posts Member
    I think your idea of maxed may differ to that of others...
  • Options
    I have sent request (Dragulia)
    We are working on haat (we launched it a couple of times and got stuck on p2 then p3) looks like today we will be able to clear it.
    We have a couple of rancor rules obviously, and we strongly recommend using discord with us
  • Options
    Join infernia bravo we are a top guild, you can earn gk shards with us. We only ask that you get your 600 energy daily and join our slack group. I sent you an ally invite
  • Options
    Feel free to come see what Order 66 has to offer. 4 haat guilds and an academy. Line recruitment link.

    Thanks, Order 66
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