1-3 spots moving to haat attempt 2

275 posts Member
Almost haat ready guild in need of a few players to boost our ranks. We are mostly EST but do have players in other time zones. We are friendly, helpful, and big supporters of guild exchange. We attempted haat 2 weeks ago but only got halfway, like many guilds we were overconfident with our phase 2 teams. We won't get caught out again.
We are not looking for someone to come and do all the work. We want people who have been working on getting ready for haat and want to contribute, to be a part of the victory. If you think you're ready, or a week away but your guild isn't there yet, this is the spot for you.
what we are looking for:
-players with at least 1 haat ready squad. (we have p1 taken care of- 3 zylos in guild atm)
-someone interested in hitting their 600 energy per day
-someone willing to make an account on our forums (we use this to talk strategy, set squads for pit raids etc.
We have a bunch of long time members here, and foster a good environment for any new players to jump into. It's also a pretty mature bunch, as a number of us have kids. We also don't have a lot of turn over, there's a solid core here and we want to build on it.
We farm heroic rancor based on a 3 squad system. 3 raids per week, 1 raid you are active, the other 2 you just do your zero damage registration and get free gear. This allows for a rotating top five. A couple of our bigger hitters (there's probably 5 or 6 of us that can solo it) tend to just auto a million damage or so and leave the top 3 spots to guys who need the gear. It's a very fair environment here, we realize that when guildies get the gear they need, they will hit that much harder on the haat.
we have discord as well but not mandatory, the website is where we do most of our organization
If this sounds like the place you want to be, let me know. pm me here or send me an ally request:
bakedx, Knights Templar OTOR


  • baked_qft
    275 posts Member
    we have 1 spot remaining. We are a very active guild, we run about 26k tickets a day, 3 heroic ranc (tues/thurs/sat) and until we hit up haat again doing aat wed/sun. We've got a few members over 2000 donations and at any time there's 20+ people looking for gear in exchange. We're all about helping!
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