Active player looking for HAAT (Closed)

2263 posts Member
edited June 2017
Hi, I'm a very active player, I'm F2P and I have 72/150 shards of Kenobi.
Here's my profile:
I only want to unlock Kenobi, I know i'm not good, but I need help

Ally code351-338-934
My collection
Sorry for my English :]
Post edited by Hskull55 on


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    Hey Knights of Mandaløre is looking for 1 player like yourself. We are capable of HAAT but are just waiting a couple more weeks as on our first run it was to costly for us. One member spent 2m credits swapping mods. And it just took to much time. We want a little more time and work on our mods so it will be easier on us. Maximum 3 weeks from next HAAT and from that point should be always HAAT.
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    I don't think i'm gonna help with damage. Hopefully I can do more than 600.000, but I don't really know
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    That's not a big deal. The guy we deleted did 8k he was capable of like 2m or more but he chose not to attack so we executed him.
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    However for our guild you must use discord app. Here is my contact Eclair Dawes#1871
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    Knights of Mandaløre is currently looking for active players level 80+ who will contribute 500 energy minimim a day. We do 3 Heroic Pit / 2 NAAT a week and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30 PM Est). We recently attempted HAAT and got down to 40% P4, so will be switching over to HAAT in less than a month's time. Therefore, we are looking for players who have strong rosters either HAAT ready or on the verge of being there. We have multiple Zeta teams, can solo P1, and have several members who can do upwards of 1m in each phase. We have a discord channel where you can request additional information and new members are required to join through our recruitment channel.

    We hope to hear from you soon.

    My ally code : 838-881-555
    Leader's ally code : 771-995-699

    We also have a page :
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    We didn't complete our first HAAT a week ago. The reason for that was 1) 2 of our hard hitters didn't attack. They would have accounted for aleast 3m. 2) It was our first run we learnt a lot how to do it better so everyone will preform better now.
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    Sorry, but i found an spanish HAAT guild, if it doesn't work, I will join you.
    Anyways, I will add you in the game to have your guild located. Thanks
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Ok. The ally code posted isn't mine but it's even better
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