Who should I replace?

211 posts Member
My areana team currently:

zMaul Gl XI 7*
Vader Gl X 7*
Emperor Gl X 7*
Sith trooper Gl X 5* soon 6*
Nihilus Gl X 5* soon 6*

My plan is to repace Vader or EP with a zSavage Gl X 7*.

What do you think who should sit(h) down?
EP or Vader?


  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    If Maul is your leader, u r severely gimping yourself by not running SA.

    Also, Savage is a great cleanser for Sith and functions as a tank bcuz of his tm gains, he will b unstealthed the most often.

    ST and Vader go away and SA and Savage come in.

    ST is best under a Nihilus lead. He is "meh" under Maul.
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    EP is awesome wth his stun and shock. Squishy, but you have sith trooper to take most of the first 3-4 rounds of hits.
    Vader is pretty tanky, but can really only culling blade 1 person before The match is over.
    ZSavage is a beast with cleanse and healing and he can one shot 50% health toons.
    I would switch ZSavage for Vader in my opinion. Vader really only works under his own leader or EP leader if you ask me. I'm using him under DN lead, but only because I have no one else. Once I unlock EP I will make the switch very quickly.
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