Need help finding old guild with Ander, Geo, DarkLordRikiD

Hey all, I need help trying to find my old guild. I lost my account a couple of weeks ago, so I started a new account. The problem is I don't recall the guild name (I think is was Vorfalak or something like that) or have any of the id's for people in the guild. My old account in the game was 9er Rider 9er, and others in my guild included Ander, Geo, and DarkLordRikiD. I know that Ander and DarkLordRikiD and myself were in a early December shard. If anyone has know their ally code that would be great. If not I may be looking for active guild.


  • TWD_Negan
    373 posts Member
    There appears to be a forum made account by the name of Ander. Message the guy and hope he's your supposed guildmate? No one in the forums by the name of Darklordrikid. Did you try typing guild name or close to it in the search feature of the player guilds section?

    If all else fails man, and if you're looking for a heroic rancor and NAAT raiding active guild, current roster number as I post is 48/50, message me on here for further details about the guild, reach me on the line app under username twd_negan, or add me through ally code 632-143-884.
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