DN (L) + Rex = Win?

218 posts Member
Around 90% of the teams I face in the 25-30 range all have one of the following toons:
Stun, shock, and healing immunity are my biggest threats for DN lead. I am interested in maybe having Rex in my team for the squad discipline ability. Here is my team currently:
DN (L) 5* G9
Dooku 7* G9
Vader 5* G9
Sith Trooper 4* G9
Maul 6* G9
The plan would be to switch out Maul or Vader for Rex. Get Rex to be the fastest (~210 if that's possible). He would use squad discipline at the start, giving tenacity up and 30% TM to everyone. Dooku uses stun, DN uses Drain Force, Sith trooper begins to taunt, Maul AOE Daze.
Is this a possible idea? Sith trooper would protect Rex and Maul since they are both a little squishy. Tenacity up would prevent all the stuns and shocks to apply and by the end of turn 2
I have a significant advantage.
Should I switch Rex for Vader or Maul? Should I switch him in at all or is this a bad idea?
I am Level 76 for reference.
Most of the teams in the 20-40 are Wiggs - kylo/boba/palp/St Han
or Dn - Dooku/palp


  • Vice_torn
    599 posts Member
    You seek YODA..... Sorry had to say it...

    Savage might be an option if you need a cleanser...

    Rex is Glass... You need a tank to protect him till he can move.... Rex(L) teams work because Rex gains TM on crits, so he is able to move early. DN(L) + Rex would be easy to defeat, just stun Rex early.

    GK would be an option for a cleanser on a DN team. As would Chaze...

    Rex is strong if in the leader position... but IMO is to slow otherwise. For a non-leader spot, Yoda can offer more...

    -With good speed focused Mods Yoda can move first, and give your squad Tendacity Up (and foresight with zeta). Tendacity UP + Foresight means It will harder for the AI to remove Tendacity UP from all your toons.

    -If you use EP and do his "let the hate flow attack" you drop all enemies below 100% health, making Yodas #2 special a reliable stun attack.
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    I've ran DN (zL) SA Sith trooper GK and Rex. Couldn't beat top tier teams with r2 because of burn.
  • Vice_torn
    599 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Mazurka wrote: »
    I've ran DN (zL) SA Sith trooper GK and Rex. Couldn't beat top tier teams with r2 because of burn.

    Which is why yoda, get tenacity up first.... Note: don't use DN's force drain right away, let enemy Vader and R2 do their AOE debuffs into tendacity up first.

    I run zDN Dooku EP zYoda GK. And beat almost everything and I finish #1. Rex triple cleanse is easy to beat. Some Zaul teams can be tricky. One team near the top I have issues with is... Boba Wiggs JKA R2
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    I was actually originally thinking about using Yoda since I will be unlocking him tomorrow. But only at 5* since my jedi team is balls.

    Is a G9 5* Yoda still viable in the arena?

    Should I switch out Vader or Maul for Yoda? Thanks for all the input so far!
  • Vice_torn
    599 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    I think swap out Vader... Depends who your facing really.

    Yoda can have nice speed at 5star.... Speed depends on gear and mods. But he won't survive long if targeted.

    Rex could be a good option at 7star vs 5star yoda. But you would need to really push his speed or have an auto taunt.
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    I only have a 5* Rex as well. So this would mean I should just focus on Yoda. I will continue to buy rex shards in the fleet shipments just to get him to 7*. My turn order right now is:
    Dooku (197) stuns, Vader (175) force crush to get debuffs for DN, DN (173) uses drain force to increase everyones cooldowns due to vaders force crush, Sith trooper is now taunting, defense up, and retribution, maul (150) AOE daze.
    Can I afford to lose those debuffs for DN? I know its still 50% without but the guarenteed cooldown increase is really awesome at the start of a battle. Also, I cant get Maul to be faster than DN, he is just too slow. What would you recommend?
  • Vice_torn
    599 posts Member
    ACK! get zetas in ship shipments. Get Rex/Maul in guild shipments.

    Given the speeds you mentioned... I would say keep vader:).

    Yoda gains 10 Speed in his gear 7 set.
    Yoda gains Speed no speed in his gear 8 or 9 sets
    Yoda gains +6 speed in his gear 10 set,

    Note: gear 10 set is the gear available at gear 10, to promote to gear 11.

    So if you get Yoda to gear 7 and add the gear 7 gear that gives speed thats enough.

    Equip the best speed mods you can to Yoda, I have mine at 265 speed. 230 should be very doable.

    The idea is for Yoda to go early before he can be debuffed or killed.

    You can try to use REX, again the key is him surviving to remove the Debuffs. It will be a nice counter push if you can use his special (removes debuffs, adds tm / tendacity up).
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    I know :( I need better mods. But all I get is grey 5 dot health mods. Gamble on speed sometimes but it's never double digit. Have 2 +30 and they are on Vader and nihilus. I will unlock Yoda tomorrow and get him to G9. Do some testing and see what I can figure out! Thanks for all the help!
  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    Jedi eat DN lead for breakfast.
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    1. I'm assuming you mean zQGJ lead Jedi teams. No one is even near that on my shard yet. Highest level is 82.
    2. I have Maul, Dooku, and vader, all of which have increased power against Jedi. I have never lost to a Jedi team yet. I will prey on them
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I was wondering about Yoda with DN for the tenacity up. I could run something like DN(L), SA, EP, Yoda, GK. Yoda goes early, SA gives some extra TM to EP and DN.... I was going to use zSid in the "Yoda" spot, but this may be a better overall idea.
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    Honestly evanbio, if you are running DN lead you NEEEEED dooku. It's absolutely disgusting how amazing he is. Yesterday I faced a wiggs/chaze/AA squad 5 levels higher than me and all G10 and dooku literally 1v5 them. Everyone was dead, dooku was left against 5, and he won. It's incredible. Don't use sid, use dooku. I will be testing out Yoda today after I unlock him. It does sound promising
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    Wearesyke wrote: »
    Honestly evanbio, if you are running DN lead you NEEEEED dooku. It's absolutely disgusting how amazing he is. Yesterday I faced a wiggs/chaze/AA squad 5 levels higher than me and all G10 and dooku literally 1v5 them. Everyone was dead, dooku was left against 5, and he won. It's incredible. Don't use sid, use dooku. I will be testing out Yoda today after I unlock him. It does sound promising

    It would be good...if I had Dooku. And I'm not ready to start farming Dooks yet. So, I'm looking at my other options. We will see how it works out. I just don't see a need for Dooks outside of a DN lead arena team. So I can't put my resources there.
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    Too many toons to focus on. I know the feels man :(
  • Jizzaouse
    128 posts Member
    Dooku farm isn't a bad idea, separatists incoming eventually
  • Wearesyke
    218 posts Member
    I obtained Yoda. Got him to Gear 8. Gear 9 will be a couple weeks away for the implant. I tried him out at 212 speed in arena around the 40 rank. His tenacity up made the victories against DN lead and EP lead teams very easy. But his health is so low that after all the AOE's were done, he was either dead or 1 shot. He never had more than 2 moves in a battle.

    I will definitely get him to Gear 9, but until then he will be on the back burner simply because he has such low health.
  • Sacull_Kinslayer
    797 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Antares wrote: »
    Jedi eat DN lead for breakfast.

    My DN eats Jedi for breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, and every other Hobbit meal. And yes top 10 constantly and payout #1 plenty. My work schedule is a harder obstacle than Jedi. That clanker r2 has made it more interesting but hasn't changed anything really. Facing Jedi or triple cleanse it's about patience and timing.

    I've recently tried out rex in my DN squad. I like him. DN, SA, SiT, GK, and Rex. Was using dooku (and he is amazing) but decided to change it up a little. You'll like it.
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