7:30pm CST Heroic Raids on farm, needs a few.. and Do you have a decent ships roster?

26 posts Member
edited June 2017
Welcome SameS1thDifferentDay

Now Actively Doing Heroic AAT. 7:30 pm CST.

Especially Looking for daily players that have an extensive Ship Roster and decent amount of heroes gear 10 or higher. So even if you dont have the meta Heroic AAT roster, but have alot of gear 10 or higher and have ships we want you.

Do you have an extensive Ship Roster? Are you a daily player? Are you level 85? Do you have 10-15 Gear 10 Characters? Do you want to do AAT heroic? Then you have found the right place.

We have been a guild since the beginning with established leadership and a committed guild. We have a solid group of veterans.

How we run our Heroic AAT. We launch it at guild reset. Then whenever each phase happens, if you have the team for that phase then you send it in. We complete the raid in half a day. We don't plan on micromanaging each raid.

Benefits of joining SameSith=

Have your Swgoh.gg link ready

Our Guild: SameS1thDifferentDay https://swgoh.gg/g/1071/same-s1th-different-day/

Guild Time Zone Reset: 7:30 PM CST. for both guilds. Raids launch at this time

Heroic Rancor Raid: 24 hour 0 damage policy then hit it hard at guild reset 7:30 PM CST

Requirements: 600/600, Discord,

Message me here or on Discord at RockOnFire18#1905, or quanski#8860

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