Minor complaint - word filter!

275 posts Member
OK, dev team - you really need to look at alternate bad word filtering for the in-game censor. There are a slew of services out there that you can incorporate, or simply employ a better white list based on some data tracking of what is getting censored and what is not.

It's ridiculous that "He's usable in certain circumstances" comes out as "cir***stances." Gee - I wasn't thinking about bodily fluids a second ago, but now I am.

"I really scraped the bottom of the barrel to complete that GW!" comes out as "sc****d."

The sad thing is, all I have to do is write "scra.ped" to get the word, *or the associated sub-word* through your filter. So, anyone with even a bit of savvy can swear up a storm. Meanwhile, reasonable words are needlessly edited, which actually only serves to get us talking about those words.

It is completely backfiring.


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    I can't even say Butt in the game.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    I can't even say Butt in the game.

    You know what you can say? The other word for "donkey" - no lie. No filter on the sub-word in "sass."
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    Yeah, it's a bit intensive. I understand some, but seriously. Its hard to communicate with guild mates when you have to do st up id things like that.
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    Need a sherk emoji for when I say donkey.
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    The same Problem in German!
    Words like less (dt. weniger) are censored. I have found about 8 words, you use every day, are censored.
    First 10 times is a lough, most about a free country and hairy leaders...
    But it's getting really anoning, with the result that I never use the chat anymore.
    Dont know about other languages? Any Problems?, or is every one allready on discord, line?
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    Of course it's backfiring! But, in a way, it has it's own charm. Really, the more innappropriate the **** the better. We've gotten a few good ones in the guild.

    They did fix some of the proper named words a while, like Slave, at least. You got to be able to reference the in game people and ships.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    Of course it's backfiring! But, in a way, it has it's own charm. Really, the more innappropriate the **** the better. We've gotten a few good ones in the guild.

    They did fix some of the proper named words a while, like Slave, at least. You got to be able to reference the in game people and ships.

    Did... did... did you just say SLAVE?

    That's Racist! Where's the "Report" button! You're THROUGH, buddy!
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    I was on another non-Star Wars message board, and the f word was auto corrected to "hug" when posted. Adding the "ing" to the word didn't matter, it came out as "hugging".

    The post itself looks innocent enough when it comes out as: "You've got to be hugging kidding me!!!"

    So whenever there were certain angry and outburst posts, it looked hilarious.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    In dutch 'you can' is 'je ****'. '****' , not meaning anything else, is censored For the obvious reason. Seems A bit foolish though
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    In dutch 'you can' is 'je ****'. '****' , not meaning anything else, is censored For the obvious reason. Seems A bit foolish though

    Lol. THE word i am talking about is ku.nt
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