Lords of Justice RECRUITING!!

5 posts Member
edited December 2019
Were Recruiting About 15 Members who wanna Grow At an Active pace
70M Gp AT the MOment HPIT 2x a Week ANd HAAT, Tier 6 SITH RAID
LOrds of justice is open to joing just asking for Participation and Activeness
Incase more information needed ALLY CODE IS 923-781-745
Post edited by Maheater on


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    Hello Manheater,

    Don't know if your interested, we created a new guild with a couple of veteran players. We were clearing T6 Rancor in 2 1/2 days, and Normal AAT in about 4 days, we are close to doing Heroic Rancor and we are working towards HAAT.
    If you want to we can help each other out, the guild name is THE FIRST ORDER OF THE SlTH (the i in Sith is a lowercase L) we need active players to build tickets so we can raid more often.

    My ally code is 268-667-263
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    thank you for letting me know I will think this through.. i really just wanna start to get out of lvl 7 gear i been stuck for a long time and i know the only way it will be done is if i take leadership pf guild and help out those who are in my shoes but this sound of what i need my code is 923-781-745
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