Friendly and Very Active T6, hPit, nATT Guild 46/50

Hello. I am an Officer in the Army of Ren. AoR currently has 46/50, and are seeking a few more active raiders, level 80, to top us off.

We are doing T6 Pit 3-4X per week and doing nATT. We are anticipating our first hPit attempt this Sunday. Our guild reset time is 8:30 PM EDT and raid character reset time is 1 AM EDT. About 2/3 of the guild is level 80 and above and our members are very active and enthusiastic to raid, raid, raid. The ones who don’t will not be around long. Participation in raids is not optional. If you are active, can meet the 500 raid tickets/day requirements consistently, and participate in raids, we would love to have you.

We are a semi-casual and friendly guild looking for active players to help us hit dailies and contribute in raid damage. There is a 500/ day requirement for raid tickets, and we ask that you be mindful of the daily guild activities, the need for raid tickets to continue raids, and to do your best to contribute. Members are required to participate in all active raids. Our members are pretty generous with gear exchange and we ask the same of new members.

A Discord channel is available and highly encouraged and may become mandatory soon, however; frequent checking of in-app chat for notifications and announcements is required.

Please message me if you are interested (and I hope you are) or send me an ally request at 759-672-628, game name, Darth Traya.

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