Normal Tank Guild Looking For New Members No Daily Requirements Except Having Fun

Force Guide 4 Dummies is a guild looking for active players who put fun first. We ask that you try to contribute to the daily guild activities but considering we play for fun no one is checking screenshots to see how many tickets you earn. I'm not taking a shot at the power guilds it's just not how we roll.

Guild: Force Guide 4 Dummies

Player Level: Any (We have a lot of high level members but we encourage any level)

Rancor Pit Raid: We normally do 6 stars, occasionally a 5 for newer members but we will be trying heroic sometime in July.

AAT Tank: Normal We are just about to hit our stride here. That said I don't see Heroic being done until the fall at the earliest depending on this recruitment

Requirements. Our only real requirements are to have fun and let us know if you are going to miss a week or longer but plan on returning. I normally only kick people if they miss more than a week or only show up here and there. Even then it is only if we are near capacity. We understand that real life takes priority over the game. That said we are doing this reorganization because we do want to be a great guild for its members. Getting Raid gear is important at high levels as is the daily guild rewards.

So whether you are new to guild life or a veteran of the game who just wants a little less stress and a lot more fun we are the guild for you

If you can't find the guild send me a friend request. My code is 734-876-371. I will only accept requests from someone not in a guild.
At Imperial Eyewear we promise that "You will pay dearly for your lack of vision."


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    I forgot to mention that I did recently start a Discord channel but it isn't required.
    At Imperial Eyewear we promise that "You will pay dearly for your lack of vision."
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