*** 60-80 Lvls welcome to Join!!! ***

25 posts Member
edited June 2017
Are you wanting to join a Guild in the final stages of pushing towards Heroic?

Do you want to receive Support, Experience and Gear from more senior players?

Our Guild has 46 members core range 70-80.

CST 10pm Raid Launch times but have mixed members from different time zones.

Monday & Thursday T6 Rancor Raid + NAAT Open always.

We require 300 tickets daily and 600 tickets at least 2x per week with more senior players expected to strive to 600 tickets when possible.

Most important of all... Have Fun!!!


Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ZgquZ2z

Phoenixmale66 = 146-153-889 Leader
SB1528 = 819-635-774 Officer
SuckMySith = 345-596-553


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