Are we ready for the heroic Rancor?

140 posts Member
edited June 2017
Hey guys,
we are close to our first heroic Rancor raid. This is old news for most of you, but we are pretty exited about that and we wonder, if we are ready for it.

We take down the level 6 Rancor within one refresh. We have 10 guys, who are able to do more than one million damage per day. Our top 5 does at least 2 million damage and our top 3 does above 4 million per day to the level 6 rancor.

That damage includes phase I, which is pretty easy to deal huge amounts of damage in.

No one of us is able to solo the level 6 raid, yet.

Our best damage dealer skipped phase one recently and does over 5 million damage afterwards per day (11 million in total)

My simple question is:

Will we take down this horrific beast or will he smack us down?!


  • RubAto
    70 posts Member
    Sounds like you're ready for it. If those heavy hitters (and others, too) have more 7* characters than they can use in tier 6, then heroic shouldn't be a problem.
  • Osik
    235 posts Member
    if you have at least one teebo lead team for phase 1 you should be good...
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    Yes, we have one. I think, he could solo Phase I
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    Sounds like you are ready , give it a go. Good luck
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    I think you're more than ready. You'll probably beat it so handily that it'll be a bit of a letdown. lol My one piece of advice is to maybe spread out your heavy hitters so that they don't all go on Ph 1 at launch and waste their best characters. Good luck!
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    Okay Guys, thx for advices.

    I will report afterwards. We will start in 2 days. :)
  • Kobi
    77 posts Member
    One of you guys should solo phase 1 with teebo+dengar/tie pilot (for tenacity down) team...dont waste your other teams on phase 1 ;-) and then just finish rancor !
  • slugbahr
    365 posts Member
    Solo phase 1 with teebo team, and keep it going for a good chunk of phase 2. Depending on your speeds, other toons, and, of course, what you sacrificed to RNGesus.
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    Yes. You're past ready most likely
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  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Easily ready by the sounds of it and probably have been for a while. Good Luck!
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    You're ready! Good luck!!!
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    Put as much potency in teebo/other tmr characters and it will easy.
    Ideally for phase1 65%, phase234 >80%.
    Best teebo team solo phase1, avoid waste damage between phases.
    Go for it, good luck!
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    Not sure I'm allowed to link my Youtube guide, but Teebo, Tie, Rex, Qui-Gon and Fives will do 1m EASY at G8 with only Teebo modded (1-2 dot mods, didn't even have access to the big mods when I formed the team originally). With a little effort in modding you can easily hit about 1.9m each with that team alone.

    Tie massively reduces the potency requirements for Teebo, Rex and QGJ, Fives slows and then spams assists, QGJ can spam his assist as long as TM isn't above half other does his basic, Rex does his basic, Tie uses AOE on guards, basic on captain and Teebo spams basic. Such an easy set up.

    Most are surprised you can run it all at G8 with no mods to solid success and 50ish potency with this set up.
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    Also if you want a safety net person send me a pm and I am happy to help. Eg merc for your guild to make sure you finish it if you want
  • Kronen
    306 posts Member
    If you can finnish tier 6 in less than a day i say your ready. Thats what my guild did and heroic turned out easier than tier 6.
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    I thank you all for your nice words. Tomorrow will be the point of no return!
  • Flamethrow
    335 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Get zader tfp teebo ep zid and solo it :) sounds like you're ready! Good luck!
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    So.. we will start our 2nd run today.

    The first try was successful.

    We managed to solo Phase 1 and 4 with 2 Players and the rest of our guild does Phase 2 and 3, so most of us could apply their damage.

    Thx all of you for the advices.
  • slugbahr
    365 posts Member
    Good to hear :)
    Well done!!
  • Fahrius
    620 posts Member
    Flamethrow wrote: »
    Get zader tfp teebo ep zid and solo it :) sounds like you're ready! Good luck!

    You dont need any zetas to solo it :) - Discord - Fahrius#1194
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