Looking For a Few Active Players

Dark Force Separatists is actively recruiting!

We are looking for about 5 active fellow gamers willing to join a great guild trying to complete our first heroic tank raid!

We are looking for daily players (level 85 preferred) who will generate their daily 600 raid tickets and are always working to build up their teams to help us complete heroic tank raid. We are currently completing normal tank raids in about 18 hrs and just need a few more members with a good inventory of 7 star toons to start completing HAAT raids.

We also do heroic Rancor raid (we have a 0 damage for 24hrs rule but after that we complete the raid in about an hour).

We are a fun and active guild with great people in it from North America and Europe helping each other.

Ally code 888-661-872 if you want to join us.
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