Recruiting - Herioc AAT guild (New Zealand timezone)

3 posts Member
edited June 2017
Our guild, ExAcklay, are looking for active players that can contribute 600 tickets a day.

Who we want:
  • 600 daily ticket contribution.
  • Level 85
  • Players that adhere to 0 damage periods.

Schedule is:
  • Tank raid (Heroic): Tuesday and Friday (8am - zero damage period; 8pm free for all) - currently lasts about 12 hours.
  • Pit raid (Heroic): Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday (8am - zero damage period; 8pm FFA) - currently lasts 20 minutes. Sunday's raid has a damage limit and big hitters sit out.

We use discord.

Send message if interested with profile link.
Post edited by Raiden268 on
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