Am i missing something or this is a Dooku bug ?

213 posts Member
So i'm facing an arena team :

Zaul (L), Vader, Sidious, Palp and Zooku.

Zaul - no heal leader abilities for allies.
Vader - no heal passives for allies.
Sidious - no heal passives for allies.
Palp - no heal passives EXCEPT when he's LEAD (which he hasn't been in this case).
Zooku - no heal specials except 10% prot regen on chance.

So how is it possible that Dooku, in addition to AI rig, 100% double attack ab. block, stun, double stun with lightning etc etc, has brutal self heal ???

Either i'm completely blind and went dumb while trying to re-read those abilities for 10 times, or there is a Dooku-Palp bug that heals him, or that 10% prot recovery works as a heal while there is no protection left.

Anyone has some insight on this ?


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