You guys need to fix the GW matchmaking system

You devs need to take another look at how your matchmaking system works in GW.

The past 2 days i've had these teams for the last node in my GW

I don't usually complain about **** like this, but come on! How do you expect people to even **** have fun in this game when you matchmake them with fully zeta'd p2w meta teams when they themselves don't even have a single zeta'd character?

This is just beyond frustrating and is just stupid at this stage.



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    I hear ya man. I'm stuck at node 6 against a team who completely outmatches mine. The algorithm needs to be revisited.
  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    I don't think their intent was that everyone should always finish it everyday. profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
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    Pyrefly wrote: »
    I don't think their intent was that everyone should always finish it everyday.

    Completing or not completing GW is a non-issue, it's the stupid matchmaking system putting players against teams that are either:

    1) Fully p2w teams
    2) Teams that vastly out power them

    All this serves is to turn players away from the game. Matching players who have just hit level cap or haven't got any zeta'd characters of their own (disclaimer: even if i had a single zeta'd character, it wouldn't have changed the outcome of these 2 battles; e.g getting stomped by them) against these sorts of teams is just stupid.
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    I'm sure it's working as intended... pushing you to buy the flavor of the month team that can beat the new top comp.

    It's a frustrating experience to spend time getting there and find a comp you just have 0 chance at... but I doubt they care.
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