Nihilus Unique

Hey guys,

is his Unique worth the Zeta or is it a waste for Arena?

My Shard is dominated by Rex and Chirrut. Is the Zeta still viable vs. double or triple cleanse with all the tenacity ??


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    I just gave him his Unique Zeta a few days ago, and imo it is absolutely worth it. The health down is pretty useful and it helps in arena, and as well in Galactic War. The only downside to it is, that it can trigger the enemy's AI to cleanse it right away. So if they have a fast Rex, he can give Tenacity Up at the start of the battle, since he has health down on himself and wants to cleanse it. In a debuff relying team, this can be a bit problematic, but you can work around it. So apart from this, it is a good investment.
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    It's nice, particularly when paired with characters that ignore protection, SA, ST.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    If you can Cooldown Increase the Cleansers before their first turn then it's a good ability. If not, you will be triggering Rex to Cleanse and Tenacity Up on his first turn.
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    Hmm... this is a good point, since I want to use him in a Zader Team. So I will have to make my Sith Assassin that fast, that I am able to use Vaders Dots before his Rex will increase the Tenacity.
  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Bah, get death trooper and hope to trigger that tenacity up before DT goes, then bomb the S*** out of that tenacity up and increase cool downs with nihilus, that means now Rex will take 5 turns to get tenacity up again, I sometimes even leave the guy if there is someone more dangerous in the team ^_^

    Edit: why does no one talk about DT??? He's a very solid toon that you don't need to Zeta unless you use krenick, I love him, since I got him in my arena squad I focus hitting those triple cleanse teams ^_^
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    Worth every zeta never looked back
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    One of my best zetas. Never regretted.
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    The problem with my Deahttrooper is, that he sits on 3* and ist not arena viable at this moment. I totally agree, that he is one of the best Imperial characters and at least as good as Shoretrooper. At this moment I run B2, when facing tenacity-up-teams and he does amazing.

    I hopefully get Nihilus and SA Gear 10 next week and I want to run Zader, Shore, Nihilus, Sith Assasin and Palp/B2.

    I am pretty exited, how this team does against the Chaze - Meta.
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    TofuMao wrote: »
    Bah, get death trooper and hope to trigger that tenacity up before DT goes, then bomb the S*** out of that tenacity up and increase cool downs with nihilus, that means now Rex will take 5 turns to get tenacity up again, I sometimes even leave the guy if there is someone more dangerous in the team ^_^

    Edit: why does no one talk about DT??? He's a very solid toon that you don't need to Zeta unless you use krenick, I love him, since I got him in my arena squad I focus hitting those triple cleanse teams ^_^

    I agree i use 7star G11, Rex (L), zBarris, DT, zKylo and zNihilus

    This team knocks down those Chaze GK teams easily, so much so that GK just isnt a threat i leave him until last most of the time
    My Collection Red Lining the Revan Counter

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