When GW says no

Usually GW is pretty easy, I've only not been able to complete it a handful of times in the last few months. Today was a special day. I'm level 77. Usually face lvl 82ish wiggs or chaze teams in node 12 and I have no problem. Today was all Level 85s and all maxed abilities
zMaul lead
I feel like I didn't even have a chance. The speed and health alone, not including that they were all Gear 10 or 11 and I'm only Gear 9 (cause I can't be Gear 10 yet). Not really a point to this just wanted to say sometimes GW just says "you ain't doing this one today pal"


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    Normally when I see a maxed out Chaze on the final node I think the same thing. I still try, but I keep my hopes set to zero! I think the worst I have faced is a Chaze team with Palpatine and Nihilus, But yes, thankfully those occasions are few and far between!
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    I'd take that team any day over the ones I get, this is my node 6

  • Speedokillz
    575 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Ha! Yeah... maxed out Kenobi, zBarris, Nihilus, with Baze/Chirrut on the 9th node is my usual day, lol

    December 2016 Arena Shard
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    I have been asking for a bit more of a challenge on my GW lately since DN lead makes it kind of a joke.
    But a 8 levels higher, 2 Gear levels higher, all maxed abilities, 2 zetas team is just simply out of my realm of possibilities lol. I tried and got absolutely destroyed.
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    DN does make GW easy! I will run him with a sith team and take them all the way to node 12, usually with ease. Then, if 12 looks difficult, I will use my team of clones to weaken them, at least take their protection off or take out a glass cannon or two. .
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    And that is a great strategy. Unfortunately since I am FTP, and am only 77, I have 1 really good team. My arena team is crazy good, but everyone else is pretty sub par. My chaze is only 3* each and g7. I'm focusing everything I have to get my rebels able to unlock 6* palpatine. I have a few suicide squads but with a 85 zMaul that doesn't really work
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    GW needs loads of work, they really don't care and that is why I plan on quiting the game as soon as I find something I find fun that I can play on my phone. EA only cares about what the whales and Krakens want, if they cared what people who were willing to spend 20 to 40 bucks a month thought, then we would actually have an extremely fun game on our hands.

    The whole reason for the impossible nodes on GW is to make people want to spend 300 bucks to buy these insane toons and Crystals to gear mod and level them.
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    That's actually about where I am. I just hit level 80 and am F2P myself. Also working on Rebels to get 6* Palpatine this go around. Ultimate, any squad is a suicide squad when you are at our level and facing an 85 zMaul, maxed Chaze w/Wiggs or a maxed DN squad.Who do you run for Arena?
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    Arena team is:
    DN lead 77 G9 5*
    Dooku 77 G9 7*
    Maul 77 G9 7*
    Vader 77 G9 6*
    Sith Trooper 77 G9 4*

    I have been placing top 50 with this squad for the last few weeks straight. Even though I am the only player below level 80 in the top 50 of my shard. Pretty proud of that
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    Nice!! Yeah be proud of that, especially being F2P! I only have 3 G9's in my whole inventory presently. Been more focused on gearing more than one team, so my arena isn't the best. I am normally somewhere between 150 and 300. I was not able to get Sith Trooper :(
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    Are you going to replace anyone with Palp?
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    I actually hit the lottery with that one. I saved up for a 8x chromium and got 2 characters.....
    Baze and Sith trooper.
    I know. Way too lucky. But I literally screamed from the bathroom when I pulled it. It was amazing.
    I am really leaning towards switching Maul out for palp. Vaders force crush is just too powerful for debuffs. DN then drain forces and it hits everyone setting my annihilate cool down to 3 off the start. I have Vader at 190 speed and DN at 187 so they usually go back to back.

    With dooku and palp stunning and shocking everyone I think it will be a massive pain to fight me on defence. Might keep Maul for offence or wiggs teams cause the daze is such a game breaker. But he is SO SQUISHY.
    What's your squad?
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    Sounds like a great strategy! I pulled Baze out of a chrome myself so I can relate to that feeling (thankfully I wasn't at work, though my wife thinks I'm a geek now)!
    I run DN with Savage (incredible attacker with tank-like health) Vader, Sidious, and Dooku. I will probably replace Sidious with Palps. I do love Sidious' healing immunity and AoE expose though.
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    The problem with that squad in my opinion is you have no tank. All someone has to do is wiggs triple shot or buffed chirrut one shot palps or dooku cause they are so squishy.

    I don't know if I will ever use savage in my arena. Potentially could switch him for my maul instead of palp. Vader, DN, and Savage all that huge health, coupled with Sith troopers disgusting health and retribution health steal and just let dooku do all the work. Do you prefer savage? He is really only good under a maul lead from what I have seen. His HOTs don't work under DN lead. My dream sith squad is
    DN lead, dooku, Sass, SithT, Palp/Vader/Maul/Savage
    The fifth slot is really who I have a hard time deciding on. And I can't get Sass until 83 or 84 when I unlock that last cantina level
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    Yeah, really look forward to reaching 83 so I can get SiT and star up Sass. I had to leave her behind a while ago because it was getting especially hard to remain competitive with a 3* attacker :/ I imagine when I have all nine sith, I will run DN with Dooku, Sass, SiT, and Palp and then have a backup team (for GW) with Maul (L), Savage, Vader, Sidious, and Kylo? I know he isn't labeled "Sith" but I have seen his impressive work when playing against him. Plus, I saw on swgoh.gg that you can get him to G9 without that annoying raid gear.
  • zhtd17
    948 posts Member
    Don't use maul, unless he's leading (with zeta)
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    Maul just happens to be my 5th best sith character. My kylo is like 4* 58 G6 i think lol. I was using sidious before i switched to maul but the daze is just too crucial. I find that expose only really works well with a wiggs team. The expose then triple shot will kill anyone. With DN teams unable to crit (which is the best leader if you ask me) the expose doesnt really seem worth it. Probably putting EP into mauls slot and after the EP event is over I will start farming Savage
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    Never thought of that for some reason, but it makes sense! Maybe I will switch out Sidious for Maul and run that temporarily and see how it works.
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    I would definitely try it out. The pros and cons are
    Pros: maul does insane damage and his health steal is crazy. With offence up against a non-jedi he gains 10K health back, against a jedi I have had him gain 21K once. Thats full health regen on one hit.
    His daze shuts down opposing dooku's, wiggs, chaze counters, or FO bonus attacks. i have a 24% potency cross on him and his daze lands almost every time.
    Gaining 100% turn meter and offence up on his basic is awesome. against all jedi squads i have had him go 5 for 5 back to back several times. Its incredibly fun to watch.
    Cons: He has disgustingly low health and he is almost the slowest character in the game. If you dont have amazing speed mods he is going to be very slow. I have him at 160 but that is because of my strategy.
    I wouldnt use maul in arena until he is gear 9. Before that and he will die before he gets a turn from AOEs.

    Hope this helps man!
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    It helps a lot, thanks!
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    Just wanted to update for anyone who cares (probably no one lol). This is the team I faced in node 12 today. Reminder I'm level 78 with obv no zetas
    zMaul lead 85 G10 7*
    zSavage 85 G10 7*
    EP 85 G10 7*
    Vader 85 G9 7*
    zDooku 85 G9 7*
    And I BEAT IT! Suck that GW! You don't own me anymore :) Feels so good to beat a team with probably 10k more power than me. FINALLY
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    lol wow! How did you make it out of their alive?
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    Don't think I wasn't cursing the gods after my 15th attempt and retreat. No matter what I did, they shredded me with AOE's and stuns and shocks off the start. What was the answer? Throwing in a suicide squad of lvl 60 jedis that made them waste their AOE's. Then I put my arena squad back in, with loaded TM, and prayed for good RNG. I took them out in this order: palp/Maul/dooku/Vader/savage. I got 2 annihilates with DN. Dooku and savage at the end. It was breath taking to annihilate savage, while in stealth and with like 10 HOTs.
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    Nice! Good resourceful strategy :)
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