Turn order question

Just faced a team in arena. Can't understand the turn order. The squad was Jyn lead, Chaze, Cassian, K2SO.
My DN has 189 speed. Their Chirrut had 158. After 3 straight battles their Chirrut went before my DN every time. No matter what I did. Here was my turn order for the match:
Dooku (210) special on baze with counter inflicting speed down
Vader (190) force crush aoe
Their Chirrut (158) tenacity up
DN (189) drain force
Why did this happen? How is he gaining enough TM that he goes first and renders my DN pointless?


  • Rapid
    421 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    it's because jyn goes first and gives chirrut 100% TM.

    consider yourself lucky she didn't stun DN first and then give him 100% and then your entire team tenacity up :-)

    alternatively it will be baze countering that gives chirrut turn meter to bring above your DN. read the description on baze's basic. on second thoughts this is the most probable scenario rather than jyn screwing you over.
    Post edited by Rapid on
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    Are you sure he didn't do a basic? Vader's AOE would have proced a counter from him(and Baze but you stunned him)
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    Rapid wrote: »

    alternatively it will be baze countering that gives chirrut turn meter to bring above your DN. read the description on baze's basic. on second thoughts this is the most probable scenario rather than jyn screwing you over.

    Ya that is definitely it. Thanks. Now I learned that chaze is even more over powered than I previously thought.
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