Request for help from a Mid-Gamer and Thank You

Hi! I´ve been lurking in these forums for a while, without mustering the courage to ask for help. However, throughout the last times I´ve realised what an awesome community of players are in this forum, which has made me decide to make this post. Therefore, I would like your advice on certain aspects of the game:

1) First of all, here is my current situation:
2) Based on that, can you guys reccomend me who to farm? I find specially difficult to find the balance between farming cantina, mods and gear
3) My best arena team
4) I´m a p2p, though not a hardcore one. I usually, get 2 cantina refill and 2 energy refills, as well as I try to buy Nihilus sharps when I see them. I am starting to realize how crucial it is in this game, to spend my money wisely; in order to get my best results. Maybe I should stop buying nihilus and start buying another toon´s shards. Therefore, I would trully appreciate if you guys could help me here too.
5) I am looking for a hAAT guild, as GK is one of my favourite SW characters. I may not have the characters to be useful yet, but I can spend my money trying to get to 600 tickets per day. If any hAAT guild would let me in, please let me in.

Finally, I would like to thank you guys again, I have learned a lot about this game thanks to you.

P.S: Sorry for my bad English :( as you can see I am not a native speaker


  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi, I think you need to upgrade your empire toons and your rebels (And finish with the 7 star jedis to get yoda to 7 stars)
    Use your cantina refills to farm decent mods, then, when you have good mods, only do cantina battles to get shards. Use your normal energy in gear that you need and that is not in challenges.
    With your toons, your best team is a QGj lead with your best jedi or an Old Ben lead with jedi and maybe kylo/Lando (Good AOES)
    About the HAAT, here's my profile :
    I don't fit in an HAAT guild, so I don't think you do :neutral:

    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
  • DedrickRogue
    924 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Hskull55 wrote: »
    I don't fit in an HAAT guild, so I don't think you do :neutral:

    This is flat out incorrect. If you're willing to spend some time looking around, have 1 7* character, and get 600 tickets every day, you can find a guild that has the HAAT on farm.

    Most HAAT guild have it so on lock at this point they don't really care if you can do your part in raids, it's not needed. What is needed is active players hitting their 600 so they can keep raiding.

    This is all subject to change if we get guild vs guild in the near future.

    Edit- keep working DN. He's a beast!
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    I was in 4-5 HAAT guilds that can easly complete the raid and I got kicked of them because I was doing 500.000 damage. (I get 600 tickets every day and I donate all the gear I can).
    I'm not saying he can't be in an HAAT guild, I say he/she, like me doesn't fit there
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Don't run an old Ben lead. If you want to use Jedi (which is a lot of fun, Jedi are my best squad too), stick with qui gon as your leader, or use Anakin as leader (who you should also focus on farming) until you zeta qui gon (that's what I've been doing). I personally don't use Ezra, but I've heard he's excellent, so keep him. I also use Ahsoka; she has excellent synergy with Anakin and hits very hard on her own. And then yoda would round out that team pretty well for a f2p player in the 60s level range, or you could select another Jedi, such as Aayla or ima gun di.

    That being said, balance is important to have across your roster, and if you have one squad that is just miles ahead of the rest of your roster, GW will be a real struggle. Try and keep most of your toons that you plan on using at a similar level.

    If it were me, I wouldn't spend crystals on nihilus. I'd use them for energy refreshes to farm more shards. But that's totally up to you; if you really want to spend that much on nihilus, he will be worth it, but it's going to slow down your farming of everyone else you want.

    A few questions for us to better help you:
    What is your main focus? Arena or raids?
    What faction(s) are you wanting to use?
    What legendary characters (yoda, palp, thrawn, r2) do you want first?
    These will all help us give you a better direction to go in. Incidentally, you are doing much better than I was at your level, keep it up!!

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    You have the beginnings of four teams there. 1. Jedi 2.Rebels 3.Sith and 4.Empire. Pick one to work on and stick with them to raise your arena rank to increase rewards from there.

    You will need 5 7* Jedi for Yoda event, 5 7* Empire for R2, 5 7* Rebels for Emperor Palpatine. As these toons will all help you in some way, you can work towards them.

    As for farming toons, go get Boba Fett yesterday. With him, lando and STHan you have all you need to complete the smuggling events, just throw in any two fillers and you'll be fine.

    For rebels - Once you have Cantina 6-F unlocked, Wedge is a great choice. Great synergy with Biggs and fantastic rebel leader. You can pair him with Biggs, STHan, Lando and QGJ for a decent team. You'll also want Chaze but Baze is a grind to farm so perhaps better to get a team of others together first then farm him.

    For Empire - Run Vader, Shoretrooper, Tarkin and TFP. Throw Boba or Kylo in as your 5th, and work on RG later (RG is part of the well known Tiepatine and chirpatine HAAT teams).

    For Sith - Nihilus, vader, sid, Kylo (he's not sith but works well with them) and farm either Dooku, Maul or Savage.

    For Jedi, Run QGJ lead, Ezra, Ben, Ahsoka and Anakin. Yoda is good, but really squishy until geared and starred up.

    Of the toons mentioned, Boba, Biggs, Wedge, TFP, Vader, Ahsoka and Maul are all pilots. Kylo is as well, but his ship is behind a paywall, so you may or may not want to chase him. You will need 8 5* ships at least 5 of them dark side to unlock the zeta challenge which you should do as soon as you can.

    The reason I've specifically mentioned the toons I have above is they are good in LS/DS/Cantina and Arena, but also have utility in other modes such as events, ships and raids.
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    Hskull55 wrote: »
    I was in 4-5 HAAT guilds that can easly complete the raid and I got kicked of them because I was doing 500.000 damage. (I get 600 tickets every day and I donate all the gear I can).
    I'm not saying he can't be in an HAAT guild, I say he/she, like me doesn't fit there

    That is just horrible. You need to find a guild with honorable people
    I don't like raids nor do I have time for them. I put in my 600 coin and register for 0 damage. My guild doesn't care. Why would they ? Less people fighting to get top prizes ... it's not that I can't, I have 82 7* toons half of them g11. As long as a guild can farm GK they shouldn't care about people not participationg (while gathering 600 coins)
    Switch guilds that my solid advice to anyone in your shoes
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    I went to a NAAT guild, I don't really care about Kenobi, I want a good guild, not a powerful one
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Hskull55 wrote: »
    I went to a NAAT guild, I don't really care about Kenobi, I want a good guild, not a powerful one

    I'm in a normal aat guild too. I've thought about trying to get into a guild with the ability to do hAAT, but my guild is great and everyone works together really well on raids. HAAT is still a ways off, but it will feel much more deserved if I stay with my guild and we get there together, rather than me ditching them to be a bottom feeder in some super-guild.
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