Two-Guild Alliance Seeks Motivated Players Lvl 80+

96 posts Member
Hi all. We are a solid, well-organized small alliance consisting of ElegantWeaponsCivilizedGuild (heroic Pit and heroic AAT) and Battlefrontiers (heroic Pit and normal AAT). Our immediate goal is to have both guilds doing hAAT, and we have a clear plan on how to accomplish that. Our officers are very involved and always have a guild-first attitude. We do not believe that a wild-west, no-rules atmosphere allows a guild to thrive, so we have established rules that are fair and help to ensure equal access. At their current strength, Battlefrontiers is able to clear normal tank with one refresh.

- 600/600 energy strongly encouraged daily, but, hey, we all have lives, so we understand.
- raid times are on rotation and raid schedules are always clearly posted
- we use Discord app and in-game chat for alliance/guild communication

If you are active and motivated, and are looking for a worthy guild home, please contact me on Discord or Line to see if you and we would be a good fit.

Discord ID: teng#4812
Line ID: tpw408
Ally Code: 212-267-831

Discord ID: fishylips#5251


  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Currently, we can accommodate a group of up to 5 players. Contact me and let's discuss details.
  • Options
    Check out ElegantWeaponsCivilizedGuild on

    If you're a highly motivated Lvl 80+ and want to join others actively preparing for hAAT, check out Battlefrontiers:
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    We have room for a few motivated players. Contact me to discuss:

    Discord: teng#4812
    Line: tpw408
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Recruiting active players looking to develop hAAT teams. As long as you're motivated, we'll provide steady raiding opportunities and sound advice to get you there.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
    Line ID: tpw408
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Our stronger guild is farming hAAT already, so it won't be long before the other guild is hAAT-capable as well. A great opportunity to build your roster to hAAT-readiness and join a good guild home.
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    One spot just opened in our nAAT guild (longtime member will be away indefinitely). We're going to be attempting hAAT for both guilds in about 1.5 months, so here's your chance to get on board and get a good hAAT squad ready to contribute.
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