Is this worth playing anymore??

I've had this game over a year now, and everything I have I earned the hard way.
I love Sith and Empire units, and I put so much effort into getting my Empire teams maxed (or nearly maxed). I'm talking the Imperial Troopers, and a solid team led by Palps, with Vader, RG, Snow/Tarkin (whichever fits what I need) and TFP.
Now, I have a decent jedi squad to punch through a few GW nodes if I need it. I have a rebel squad, which is similar to EVERY squad in the arena anymore, so I quit using them based on boredom.
I have characters that have ridiculous attributes, like my Dooku who has 134% potency. That stat doesn't matter though, because he never stuns or AB at all, so it's pointless to use him. I realize the AI is the only beneficiary of stats like that.
I was super stoked when they introduced the new Sith characters, as well as the Imperials Gar and Super. But maxing them out is insanely difficult if you don't spend money on them...which I don't.

The single most disappointing thing about this game, is the ease of getting EVERY SINGLE LIGHTSIDER (except for Han and GK), and the impossibility of getting ANY new darksiders.
Nihilus, Assassin, Sith Trooper, only found in certain, insanely difficult to beat, battles; whereas those Pheonix members can be found in stores? Why can I get every new rebel super easy, but never the darkside characters I want?

I am completely burned out on the overwhelming numbers, as well as power, of lightsiders, but the underwhelming number, and power, of darksiders.

I realize there was some stretching in this, because it's not so easy to get the Chaze bromance, and a couple of the Pheonix are a bit tougher to obtain.
Still, just by volume, the lightsiders are easier to unlock, and max out, than the darksiders.

So, it begs the question... Is this game run by rebels?
Or am I the only one who sees this?

It's a rant folks. I'm just frustrated. There is no talking to make this situation better. It's just the game.
But since they overloaded the good guys, there is no fun in it anymore.

So is it really worth playing anymore? If they don't bring something good real quick, I'm out.


  • Tyrael
    65 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    How about an ewok rework to ease the dark side troubles? I feel your troubles though, I'm still quite new (lvl 82) and would love to farm DN who I missed and a Sith squad but they're so far out of reach to even get the toons unlocked.
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    Ewoks...they are underrated. When put together, they can be like the jawa squads. You'll never see them coming, and they'll drop characters before you know what hit you.
    The key is in the mods. They can make several squad mixes really great.

    I only recently 3 starred the battles for DN and the Assassin. They are a serious pain. I had to borrow zeta Darth Maul for the DN battle, and a Zeta Vader for the Assassins' battle.

    If you weren't able to unlock the Sith in the initial events, there really was no way to get them unlocked without paying money. I saved crystals for a month to get the pack for DN, and from the 3 packs I only wrangled up 15 shards for him. Talk about a let down.

    It really hurts the soul to see the dark side so neglected.
  • USAmazing
    1157 posts Member
    I love this game!!!

    Definitely worth it!
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
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    Yeah, I like it too. I play every day.
    I'm just really mad that it's so lightside heavy.
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    Borrowed a Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ive got 3 stars for 9A (DN)
  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Do you enjoy pain? Anger? Hate? doing 20 sims for 0 gear on a frequent basis?
    Doing raids just to be rewarded gear you already have thousands of?
    Forced to farm characters you have no interest in just to get the one you are interested in?
    This game is the best troll I've ever seen.
    This game is for you.
    Post edited by Gank_Killer on
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    Yes it is worth playing.
    Guild: Order 66 501st Division
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    Lol...yeah, you got that right. You forgot that 20 sims for the 100th shard you need.
    But yeah...You called it.
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