First order P2 HAAT record?

123 posts Member
I'm wondering if anyone ever bested Minnowarah's 3.1M record. Can't find any screenshots of people who did better or they didn't bother posting it.


  • Faa
    123 posts Member
    Thank you, they're so rare lol.
  • JTSM
    48 posts Member

    This is my highest but doubt I'll ever manage that again.
  • Faa
    123 posts Member
    How much speed did you have on them and did you have to give the tank a turn before toppling it?
  • JTSM
    48 posts Member
    FOO - 261 speed
    Phasma - 210 speed
    Kylo - 179 speed
    FOTP - 198 speed
    FOST - 153

    I can't remember if the tank got a turn to be honest, my guys always go before it but it's the tactics that do it really. Also my guys are maxed until the next update comes out. Most people I think go wrong with their move set. Main one being FOTP don't use gun down. Use double tap as he almost always crits with the second shot and if he does he keeps advantage, because of this when kylo uses lash out FOTP gets bonus TM. I only use gun down if the tank is toppled and I can use marching orders or victory march next move to give it back. That way when the tank comes out of topple you hopefully should have inflicted offence down so you take less damage on that turn.
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