Speed Mod Bonus Bug

My Count Dooku has a base speed of 161. He gains + 13 speed from secondary abilities on his mods. He has 4 fully upgraded speed mods for the 10% bonus.

So 161 + 16 + 13 = 190 but his speed is 189 and in parentheses it shows +28 instead of the + 29 he should have.

Jyn also has the same problem where her speed is 1 lower than it should be. I checked my other characters and the error only seems to happen when the base is about 160 or greater.

Is there a cap where the 10% speed bonus has a maximum value of + 15 or is this a bug?

At Imperial Eyewear we promise that "You will pay dearly for your lack of vision."


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    the % of speed taken by the speed set bonus is always based on your previous gear level
    so if your dooku has 161 speed at gear 8 the speed taken by the bonus set will be the speed of your previous gear level(gear 7 which has 155 speed)
    10% of 155 is 15 so you get only +15 not +16
    all bonus sets take their % from the previous gear level
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    There is no bug, all bonus is only calculated on base stats.
    Gear on uncompleted gear levels are not counted towards base stats. I'm assuming your Dooku is G8 so that 6 speed from the Bacta Gel does not count towards base stats.Speed mods will thus only give you a bonus of 15 speed, but will give 16 speed once you get to G9.
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    At Imperial Eyewear we promise that "You will pay dearly for your lack of vision."
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