Zylo vs Zavage HAAT P1 post fix?

23 posts Member
edited July 2017
I'm looking to develop some phase 1 presence and I'm trying to decide on Zavage or Zylo. I know both can handle themselves in phase 1 to some degree or another, but after the fix, which is the better choice? I have both farmed up, so that isn't really a concern, just trying to decide which one I want to throw a zeta at.

Zylo seems like he'll do more damage in any given run, but will be at the mercy of RNG and may only get one escape attempt.

Zavage, on the other hand, doesn't seem like he would do as much damage, but his constant TM gain would give him up to 3 attempts at escaping, which might make his damage over time more consistent.

Thoughts on this?


  • Lesspopmorefizz
    124 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Zeta the one that provides you with more utility outside of HAAT; (Savage if you Zaul or otherwise sith heavy arena. Otherwise, probably Kylo.)

    (The marginal difference between the two is noise.)
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