In the end it's about money

I'm not a power player. I didn't spend tons of money when the imperial troopers got fixed. I didn't get Phoenix up to get a 7 star Thrawn. That said I love Luke and EA knows it. I might actually spend money to get a great Luke. In the end the decisions about what character comes next is only driven partially for parity but mostly for money.

I fully agree that Baze and Chirrut are pretty OP but I've wanted a Luke worth playing since I started this game. Heck I want an X-Wing that Luke can use. EA knows this. I'm sure they compare sales metrics based on each character and faction and I bet they know Luke will bring in the money.

Let's be honest zeta abilities seriously unbalanced the game. I'm sure once the level cap gets raised to 90 wherever abilities they add will unbalance it again. Just like the force there will never be true balance in this game unless they micromanage the heck out of it like Blizzard does with Starcraft. I really hope we never hit that where abilities are changed daily.
At Imperial Eyewear we promise that "You will pay dearly for your lack of vision."


  • Matke
    56 posts Member
    Whats the point of this thread
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Zetas dont unbalance the game. Plenty of them are useless and many of the strongest toons dont have any
  • Options
    Maybe a percentage of the player base feels like they are being exploited due to their love of a single character....
  • Options
    For example.....

    Rather than releasing character x with a bundle at 19.99, now we are going to make you farm "team y" to get character x. Oh by the way each member of useless team y now has a 19.99 bundle available in the store!!! Aren't we great!!
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    For example.....

    Rather than releasing character x with a bundle at 19.99, now we are going to make you farm "team y" to get character x. Oh by the way each member of useless team y now has a 19.99 bundle available in the store!!! Aren't we great!!
    It is great because you dont have to spend money
  • Options
    The packs have always been terribad since the 4.99 Dooku starter bundle way back.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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