Chill HAAT Alliance Looking for 600/600 Players

67 posts Member
Bad Motivator is a unique combo of serious gaming and casual, fun community. We're a mix of whales, dolphins, and some clever FTP players. We crush Heroic Rancor in about 30 min every other day and crush HAAT in 3-4 hours every 3 days. We're currently forming an alliance of 3-4 guilds and looking for more 600/600 players.

**Guild Reset and Rancor Raid Time:** 730pm Pacific Time

**HAAT Raid Time:** 1pm Pacific Time


- 600/600 guild coins per day. Players are booted if they miss this twice in a month without notice.

- At least 10 G11 lvl 85 toons

- Line mobile app for guild chat

- You're not a ****.

**Post your profile here or pm it to me if you're interested.**

Here's ours:
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