Possibly the new and actual meta

123 posts Member
For weeks, a guy on our shard has been dominating the rank 1 spot without any serious competition. I'm running by myself a double cleanse squad with kylo and I can only beat this squad with a lot of luck - or ending up with Kylo & Chirrut 2v3'ing it with Chirrut eating the ability blocks/stuns allowing Kylo to do his thing. It's a hit or miss for me, and I'm sure it's the same for anyone else in our shard.

It's such an amazing squad some copied it to compete with him. Or even better they all started adding Thrawn to their squad, but their Thrawn is barely worth targetting or he's vulnerable. For example no GK but a Shoretrooper with a mediocre taunt uptime (nihilus will dispell his taunt way too often) or no zeta on Thrawn's unique to prevent from rendering him useless due to stuns/TM removals etc.

Anyways the squad; Zader lead - SA - DN - GK - Thrawn. Yep you're right, no "broke-the-game-overpowered-whinemagnet" Chaze.

Basically the idea of this squad is having SA (273 speed) going first, followed up by Vader, followed by Nihilus who will land his drain force on everyone with a 100% chance because of Crushing force. Followed by a Thrawn starting off with Fracture on your tank. Then everything goes south; Nihilus using his annihilate quite quick, Vader oneshotting a char with Culling Blade, SA landing a massive crit, GK calling everyone to assist, GK buffing everyone with retribution forcing you to attack Vader or GK etc etc.

Tarkin lead variations of Thrawn squads, whatever you have, just aren't as good as this one.


  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    zVader leads are alright. You can crush that team with a zMaul team easily. Rock, paper, scissors friend. Tell everyone in your top 20 to stop running cheezeball Chaze and he will have to switch up his team.

    Edit: Resistance would be a good option here as well. They don't hold up as well on defense though against zVader. So might not be your best option.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Who copied him, and has he really been sitting at rank 1 for weeks?
  • Options
    That team isn't even that good
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Nastynas91 wrote: »
    That team isn't even that good

    It is if all he fights is triple cleanse. zVader eats cleanse teams.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Thrawn lead with equal mods can easily take down Zader
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    There is no meta team right now. As said above, it is rock, paper, scissors.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Thrawn lead with slightly better mods mods can easily take down Zader

    You still have to outspeed that fast SA. Otherwise you run the risk of getting TM reduced by DN or fractured yourself.
  • adwar
    56 posts Member
    Hi faa... line id adwar9
  • Tiggus
    766 posts Member
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    zVader leads are alright. You can crush that team with a zMaul team easily. Rock, paper, scissors friend.

    ... Which is much better than 1 month ago where it was Rock, Scissors, and smaller scissors.

    As far as I can remember, it's the very first time we have a real choice, that the meta is not a single team. We should celebrate this diversity!
    ☮ Consular ☮ - https://swgoh.gg/u/tiggus/
  • Options
    That's a good squad indeed!
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Tiggus wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    zVader leads are alright. You can crush that team with a zMaul team easily. Rock, paper, scissors friend.

    ... Which is much better than 1 month ago where it was Rock, Scissors, and smaller scissors.

    As far as I can remember, it's the very first time we have a real choice, that the meta is not a single team. We should celebrate this diversity!

    So true.
  • Krovv3n
    71 posts Member
    Also on the same shard and the top 20 maybe top 25 are all capable of taking 1st place. His team doesnt dominate 1st at all.
  • adwar
    56 posts Member
    That team also drops into the teens after payout... nothing holds on defense anymore
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    I saw that team right after thrawn was introduced. It kicked my butt for a minute then I went with maul. Before that I was winning about half the matches, depending on who I was facing. Maul is definitely a good counter to that team.

    Now, everyone seems to have moved on from that team.
  • Options
    Good mods relative to the shard can make any team seem unbeatable or as you put it "the new meta".
  • Options
    My shard has a guy who takes number 1 with that squad. I run it myself, but no kenobi. I run shore and I haven't lost to a maul since adding thrawn. Perhaps because I don't have a Jedi. Zaul's SA goes first, but I'm just too tanky to take down. I fracture their DN and just whittle them away.

    I can't take 1st and 3 of my squad are still G10, but once they are geared, I have no doubt I'll contend for 1st. A previous poster was right...thrawn lead is a good counter. Zylo does well too. When facing a zylo, I don't use force crush as it just makes zylo good. The AI won't handle it that way.

    Depending on the Vader speed, Rex doesn't stand a chance either. If your Vader isn't 200, a mid 200's speed Rex can tenacity up first inspite of the SA tm boost.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    My shard has a guy who takes number 1 with that squad. I run it myself, but no kenobi. I run shore and I haven't lost to a maul since adding thrawn. Perhaps because I don't have a Jedi. Zaul's SA goes first, but I'm just too tanky to take down. I fracture their DN and just whittle them away.

    I can't take 1st and 3 of my squad are still G10, but once they are geared, I have no doubt I'll contend for 1st. A previous poster was right...thrawn lead is a good counter. Zylo does well too. When facing a zylo, I don't use force crush as it just makes zylo good. The AI won't handle it that way.

    Depending on the Vader speed, Rex doesn't stand a chance either. If your Vader isn't 200, a mid 200's speed Rex can tenacity up first inspite of the SA tm boost.

    You haven't lost to a zaul team on defense? Then they have weak mods.

    I threw a kitchen sink team in once and ended winning against the aforementioned team. I usually run a GK, chaze, DN, Zarriss team. Another guy was running the same team and was winning every single match. I was at 50% win rate and that wasn't cutting it. So I ran zaul, Sass, DN, EP, and OB. Haven't lost a match against the Zader thrawn team since. Others in my shard are saying it's tougher than it looks. I don't keep it in for long. I can guarantee I'll beat just about any thrawn team period with that team on offense. Defense is a different story. Just like my team can't hold on defense, neither can yours.
  • Billcarson66
    852 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    I think in part because GK is a Jedi and I don't have him.

    To be fair, I've just implemented Thrawn, so my Zaul brag is based on only 12 fights so far. I'm sure I'll lose to them. I just haven't lost yet. I have been displaced by zauls plenty of times.

    The other Zader/thrawn team on my shard also reports no problems with zauls and he has been running his squad since thrawn came out so he has beaten way more zauls than me.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    It only works if vader goes before nihilus. Which is only half the time
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    DatBoi wrote: »
    It only works if vader goes before nihilus. Which is only half the time

    Not if you properly set the turn order...
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    I can only assume no one in your leaderboard runs ZQGJ. No matter how fast your SA under Zader lead, I doubt it can be faster than a decent Yoda under ZQGJ. Zader's Force crush is either going to be all evaded or all the debuffs will be resisted by Tenacity Up.
  • Options
    That team would be decimated on my shard... maybe top 50 w good mod sets... there are much stronger teams to be assembled, fortunately only encountered 2 thus far... neither contained DN Chaze or GK...
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    That team would be decimated on my shard... maybe top 50 w good mod sets... there are much stronger teams to be assembled, fortunately only encountered 2 thus far... neither contained DN Chaze or GK...

    Lmao top 50. Slow down tough guy.

    What are these 2 squads btw.
  • Options
    Mullato wrote: »
    DatBoi wrote: »
    It only works if vader goes before nihilus. Which is only half the time

    Not if you properly set the turn order...

    Nah if sith assassin gives both enough tm to get to 100# tm mullato is right. It's a lottery who goes first
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    DatBoi wrote: »
    It only works if vader goes before nihilus. Which is only half the time

    Not if you properly set the turn order...

    Nah if sith assassin gives both enough tm to get to 100# tm mullato is right. It's a lottery who goes first

    That's why i said, "not if you properly set the turn order."
  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    DatBoi wrote: »
    It only works if vader goes before nihilus. Which is only half the time

    Not if you properly set the turn order...

    Nah if sith assassin gives both enough tm to get to 100# tm mullato is right. It's a lottery who goes first

    That's why i said, "not if you properly set the turn order."

    Lol, just thought the same as you ^_^ I could just run SA and change to my Zvader team again, but too much hustle ^_^ I'll just stick with my Tarkin lead and fast thrawn, to just anihilate peeps with nihilus protected by kenobi and DT mass dispell Y_Y
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    TofuMao wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    DatBoi wrote: »
    It only works if vader goes before nihilus. Which is only half the time

    Not if you properly set the turn order...

    Nah if sith assassin gives both enough tm to get to 100# tm mullato is right. It's a lottery who goes first

    That's why i said, "not if you properly set the turn order."

    Lol, just thought the same as you ^_^ I could just run SA and change to my Zvader team again, but too much hustle ^_^ I'll just stick with my Tarkin lead and fast thrawn, to just anihilate peeps with nihilus protected by kenobi and DT mass dispell Y_Y

    Yeah. It's not hard to set the turn order for SA>Vader>DN. Those not understanding might have to break out those trusty math skills tho.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    When I had to face the team, Sass was at 281 and thrawn at 271. Vader was just above threshold and DN just after. Except for certain teams, their Sass was going first against just about any team. Which meant that their sith were all going before anybody moved on almost every team in my arena. To top it off, thrawn's first move on defense was always to give tm back to Sass which made her go again right away and almost one shot a toon, and if not that then stun them. On thrawn's next move he would then fracture someone.

    In short, thanks to this team's setup, before you would even move you would have lots of dots, cool downs would be increased, one toon would be stunned and another would be fractured.

    If you're not running QGJ/Yoda or Maul (with zetas, of course) then this team a lot of people seem to be dismissing will just wreck you.

    Thankfully my arena shard moved on from this team already.
  • jaybol
    14 posts Member
    lies Sa didnt have 281 speed
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