Killing Thrawn Last left me in a never ending Arena battle -- DEV RESPONSE

13 posts Member
edited July 2017
I've never saved Thrawn for last because usually someone is fractured when annihilate is up so I kill him to end it, but the team I fought was so slow that it didn't matter, so I saved Thrawn for last and when he died, he never completely fell and the game didn't recognize him as dead. This caused me to waste an arena attempt, which in turn is going to cost me 50 crystals extra to make sure I stay in the top 5 for my payout.

I'm on a Galaxy S7, was using mobile data at the time of the arena fight.

I made a video of him just floating in air while my arena timer counted down. It eventually timed me out and labeled it as a draw.

It's very frustrating to waste an attempt in the only facet of the game that I actually enjoy.
Post edited by NotReallyAJedi on


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