One True Rebellion Recruiting

19 posts Member
Hello and thank you for taking the time in reading this. I am the guild leader of OTR and we are currently in process of reforming/ restricting our guild. OTR is currently at 46 members. We are running heroic pit raids weekly and can easily clear it. Normal AAT raids are a bit more tricky but we will adapt and overcome in a more timely manner, but we are clearing it. If your interested our guild has specific requirements:
LvL70 min with a full squad of 7 star toons
600 daily raid ticket contributions
Join our discord server... a must for strong communication.

OTR is mostly a FTP guild but we do have a few whales that like to get a little more done faster. We have an open and strong alliance with two major guilds which are Team Skunk Republic and the Malevolent Marauders. We are continuous communication with them and have been very helpful to our advancements. If interested please join our server on discord at...
Thank you again and may the force be with you



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