How long does it take to remove a blatant cheater?

Obviously contacting support or messing CG isn't removing this guy. Gear level 8 124 speed zVader with a 2 star crit chance arrow mod with defense primary stat and one star defense mod with 1.88% health triangle mod beating 200-245 rex, wiggs, gk, etc, THE TOP TEAMS with this trash line up. Not to mention 6 star home one and endurance with gear 8 and 1 star mods on ackbar and endurance.
Team: zVader lead 124 speed gear 8
Teebo gear 8 122 speed
Jedi consular gear 9 129 speed
K2 gear 9 142 speed
Ahsoka gear 8 96 speed

I'm certainly not getting refunded on the crystals I had to spend just to stay in the top 50 from this guy taking my spot a few times the other night. So how long does it take?? Or is it cause the player spent money so it's okay to cheat??


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