Northern Sabers Recruiting (HR + NAAT)

Good day all.

Northern Sabers is currently recruiting.

We have a great core group and are currently farming Heroic Rancor, getting our squads ready for HAAT. Looking for 15 new members.

Minimum Level - 80
600 tickets required
Use of Discord is strongly recommended we do have a few players who do not use it, but they follow guild chat.

Raid cooldown - Currently 12 hours (HR), but we will be moving to a 24 hr 0 damage and raids will always start around 19:00 EST.

Officer's Ally Codes/Discord

Rooskis - 591-152-917
Discord ID - Rooskis#3865

Klauster - 281-171-691
Discord ID - Klauster2.0#3922

Deckeon - 127-497-262
Discord ID - ZombieBerry#7790
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