Looking for members or a possible merger

Hi all! If you're reading this then you know what we're looking for...players! Our guild Ball'n Out is at 35 and we are hoping to get that extra 15 to max is out for more raids and the upcoming updates! We run heroic rancor in about an hour after a 24 hr no damage rule, and normal tank until we can fill the roster with people ready to take it on...or people to grow in our guild so we can all work together to be great! If you're interested, or involved in a smaller guild that's interested, don't wait! PM me on here to let me know, or send me an invite on discord Polishhammer185#5906 and we will get you in! As always we are friendly and helpful, and open to advice as well if you see fit to relay. Daily play helps, but let an officer know and we'll not worry about days away from the game. We understand life happens, it is just a game after all. But a great game! Hope to hear from people!

May the force be with you!
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