House Divided ARC [HAAT] Looking for 2 more to bolster our ranks

27 posts Member
edited August 2017
We have 1 open spots in HD ARC


We are looking for 1 strong level 85 players with the following:
15+ - Gear XI Toons
10+ - Gear X Toons
The ultimate goal is to have 1 strong team for each phase of the HAAT. (20 Strong toons total)

We currently run HAAT 2x per week and Heroic Rancor 3x times per week with a bonus raid every other week.

**More Raids = More Rewards = Stronger Toons = HAAT = General Kenobi = MORE FUN!**

In HD ARC, guidance from experienced players is available to help maximize your success without having to learn everything all on your own. We are fun, active and very organized and coordinate our rules and schedules to help our guild family maximize rewards and rotate top spots. We run various creative competitions to promote healthy and fun growth while making everything as fair as possible for everyone. HD is a family and every voice is important. 48/50 and Invite Only. Contact info below.

Note: Discord is a requirement to join. We use it to communicate and coordinate raids, share tips and strategy and chat with the entire guild community.
PS: US time zones and English speaking guild

Zargoth Ally Code: 157-735-414
Discord: Zargoth#9520


DrMrsTheMonarch Ally Code: 315-891-696
Discord: DrMrsTheMonarch#9659

**House Divided is a 8 guild community with openings for all player levels including HAAT and nAAT. Message me for more info on additional guild openings.**
Post edited by Vasu on


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